The Art Room is getting ready for another great year! We will spend the beginning of the year doing some community building projects including Maynard Tigers and a Green Meadow community mural. As the year moves on we will be focusing on studying the Masters including Picasso, Van Gogh, Mattisse, Monet and more. We will work in a variety of mediums including 2D and 3D work. The Second Grade will have their annual art show in the spring. The exact date and location have not yet been determined but we hope to have that information soon.
How you can help. If you'd like to help in the art room this year, please email me directly. The following list of supplies would be helpful.
- old watch or clock parts
- buttons
- old hardware supplies (screws, washers, bolts, nuts etc.) no nails please
- Shoe Boxes
- paper towels
- clorox or disinfectant wipes
- Hand wipes
- Tissues
- Hand sanitizer
Looking forward to a wonderful year.
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